12 Stomach-Friendly Foods and Why Black Garlic is the New Wellness Superstar
4. Oatmeal: The Gentle Grain

A mild, gut-friendly diet with many advantages for digestive health is oats. Soluble fibre abound in this whole grain, especially beta-glucan, which in the digestive tract produces a gel-like material. This gel stabilises blood sugar levels and helps slow down digestion, therefore encouraging a sensation of fullness.
Oatmeal's high fibre count also promotes consistent bowel motions and helps ward constipation. Muesli keeps the digestive system operating by absorbing water and giving stool volume. Oat soluble fibre also functions as a prebiotic, nourishing the good bacteria in your gut and therefore fostering a strong microbiome.
Because it's less likely to aggravate symptoms than other breakfast choices, oats are especially helpful for people with GERD or acid reflux. Particularly in cases of nausea or digestive trouble, its mild, neutral taste makes it simple on the stomach.
Moreover, avenanthramides—compounds with anti-inflammatory action—are found in oats. These substances could help lower inflammation in the digestive tract and all around the body, therefore promoting general health and well-being.
Choose plain, unsweeteled versions and boil muesli with water or plant-based milk to maximise its stomach-friendly qualities. Top your muesli with fresh fruit, nuts or a drizz of honey to add taste and extra nutrients.
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