These Animals' Genetics Are so Unique We Just Couldn't Look Away
11. Toes and Toes for Days
Eggleston is the name for this crazy cat. He incidentally has an EgglesTON of toe beans! Actually, all these toes ask for an entire bean crop. His owner had to have questioned how he could climb a vertical window, and it makes perfect sense when he found all the additional toes! This cat could as well be a ninja with that much grip. It is said that all those extra toes enable him to be more agile, thereby enabling him to move throughout his surroundings with ease. Given his several toes, it would be pretty humorous if he turned out to be a clumsy cat! Once more another intriguing case of polydactyly. Given their six-toe count, cats are considered to be quite lucky, hence this kitty is quite unique. Apart from his appeal, his unusual paws help him stand out among his other cats.