These Animals' Genetics Are so Unique We Just Couldn't Look Away
2. This Kitten Has Mittens
Have you ever seen an opposing thumb cat? This new housemate has more thumbs than their owner was expecting, though. This cat could seem to be twiddling his thumbs, prepared for an unpleasant chat with you. Still, this is just his natural state. Extra digits are a rare genetic trait that provides this feline an uncommon benefit. Although cats are already quite clever and nimble, with thumbs, the opportunities are unlimited. Clearly world control follows from their learning how to use those thumbs effectively! Imagine a cat capability of opening doors, controlling toys, or even assisting in housework. This cat makes a funny picture that will surely make anyone's day better with its thumbs clutched together and austere little facial. For cuteness, this cat definitely deserves two thumbs up; it also reminds us of the happiness and surprises that accompany having pets in our life.